Keynote lectures
Simón MÉNDEZ-FERRER (University of Cambridge, UK)
BM niches and myeloid malignancies
Oratrices/orateurs confirmé(e)s / invited speakers
Nicola VANNINI (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Metabolic regulation of hematopoietic and immune function in aging
Meritxell ALBERICH-JORDA (University of Prague, Czech Republic)
HSCs and Tregs cooperate to preserve extramedullary hematopoiesis under chronic inflammation
Lorena ARRANZ (University of Oslo, Norway)
Regulatory mechanisms of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell function in health and malignancy
Pablo MENÉNDEZ (Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute Barcelona, Spain)
Etiology, pathogenesis and cell-of-origin of MLL-rearranged infant/pediatric B-cell ALL
Sandrine ROULLAND (CIML, Marseille, France)
Decoding malignant cell states in Follicular Lymphomas: impact on tumor evolution and resistance.
Françoise PFLUMIO (CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France)
Leukemia and micro-environments: in (CHO)business with multiple partners
Hana RASLOVA (IGR, Villejuif, France)
Normal and pathological megakaryopoiesis: role of RUNX1
Jean-Emmanuel SARRY (CRCT, Toulouse, France)
Metabolic adaptations and mitochondrial signaling circuits in response to therapy-induced stress of acute myeloid leukemia.
Session « jeunes recrutés aux concours des chercheurs de la Recherche Publique» / Young PI session
Mathilde POPLINEAU (CRCM, Marseille):
Deciphering EZH2 activities in leukemia resistance
Pilar DOMINGUEZ (C3M, Nice):
Epigenetic signaling in blood cancer