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Offer for a post-doctoral position at INSERM in Brest, France

Photo du rédacteur: Administrateur CHOAdministrateur CHO

We are looking for a skilled post-doctoral student to join our team working in myelodysplastic syndrome (SMD) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML).


The general topics of this study is the functional characterization of a gene that is lost in myelodysplastic syndrome with del(5q). We will focus on its implication in lenalinomide response in SMD and AML with del(5q).


Methods that will be used: cytometry, functional assays, RNA-Seq, sc RNA-Seq, western, transduction with lentivirus, qPCR, patient data analysis…

Biological ressources : patient cells, cell lines, normal CD34+ HSC.


For any question and for the application, send a message to

Pr. Marie-Berengere TROADEC

For the application, join a CV, motivation letter and two references.


Application deadline: June, 19th, 2024


Start of the post-doc position: between October and December 2024.

Location: University of Brest (Université de Bretagne Occidentale) – Department of Medicine;

INSERM UMR 1078 – Genetics, Genomics and biotechnology

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